Catch Basin

  • Clean Catch basins according to the following schedule:

Priority A: A minimum of three times during the wet season and once during the dry season every year.

Priority B: A minimum of once during the wet season and once during the dry season every year.

Priority C: A minimum of once per year. As a part of our commitment to your organization, we will keep you abreast of information pertaining to state and national governmental regulations, as well as county and municipal ordinances and regulations.


  • What are catch basins or storm drain inlets?

Catch basins and storm drain inlets are curbside receptacles whose sole function is to catch surface water runoff from rainfall and deliver it to the storm drain system, where it's eventually delivered to local creeks, rivers and ocean. Debris, trash, leaves, and other pollutants that enter storm drains in streets travel to lakes, rivers, and streams. Storm Drain and Catch basins should be cleaned and maintained in order to prevent pollution of any kinds from entering waterways. It is recommended to develop and implement a schedule within your city to clean catch basins and other storm drains at least once or twice a year to eliminate buildup.